Feed Objectives

Objective of the Trust
To Provide, Promote, advance, encourage and / or aid in promoting education by rendering financial or monetary assistance to poor students for establishing self employment businesses, conducting marriages, health camps etc.
To establish, run and manage Schools, including residential Schools, Medical aid Centres, Hospitals Nursing Colleges, various Medical/Technical Training Institutions, Craft/Vocational Training Centres, Junior Colleges, Graduate and Post Graduate colleges, medical and engineering, dental and physical education colleges, Hostels, I.T.I’s, ambulance services, pathological labs, computer training institutions for the benefit of the poor and needy from the under privileged strata of the society, irrespective of their Caste, Creed, Community or Sex.
To render financial assistance to the needy brilliant students as the TRUSTEES deem fit and proper.
To accept by way of gifts, donations etc., any movable or immovable, property from any individual or association, organization, government or social service agencies, philanthropists etc., including liquid cash, jewellery, units or securities.
To purchase from out of the trust funds any immovable property for the purpose of fulfilling all or any of the objects for which the trust is create